Hello friend,

Welcome to my personal space. This is where I share the poems and thoughts that happen to pop into my mind once in a while. Life is like a long journey, once in a while we need to rest and if you can rest under a large tree on a summer day — you might know what bliss that is. My writings are such resting time on my journey in this life.

I hope you enjoy & have a safe travel,

— ana —

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The mind is a mirror of reflections,Yet, it cannot react, just observing,Throughout its life, it collects dust,Slowly, the reflection gets foggy,It no longer shows us the truth,One who keeps the mirror clean,Can see the truth clearly,But, there exists one,Who knows there is no mirror,Asks, how it can get dusty at all,He who knew this,Can see […]


Too often we assume things without giving a second thought. Assumption itself is not a problem unless it causes a wrong decision to be made.


There is a sin deep within. A soul that is drowned in the mind of one who seeks redemption, hoping to find a way back home.

Do not weep

A poem about the afterlife and the memories of the loved ones left by. As someone once said, we do life as long as someone remember us by.

A Sacred Truth

Do we fear death that much? Have we ever looked from the perspective of the eyes of the death? Here death sings about the life it desires and the loss of doing the job.

Love Across The Salt Desert

A poem about love and life that is spent. But, there is always hope and it can be kindled as easy as the rain kisses the dirt.

La Llorona

At first, she might frighten you. But if you can see past the veil of judgment, she is just a mother looking for her lost children’s souls. What if someone willingly gives up the soul so she can rest forever?


There is a life, there is a death,We dance between the might,For the hopes so high enough,Those darkest deeds of the past,Strangles me like strings among,Between the lights of life,And the death’s charred grips,I ramble my mind in pale drips,There must be a way leading,A path where I could step, leaving,An eternal spiral of lives […]

Reflections: Day 3 – Kick It

So, the day continues, and I have not lost my deal. I even think this might even become a practice. That is good. Writing is good. I will continue. In this post, I would like to explore some of my least desires. The things which I wanted to do, but of them are not on […]

Reflections: Day 2 – Resolved

Have I ever promised myself of new year resolutions that I have kept? The answer is as typical, no. I never bothered with the notion of the new year. But I have made so many plans and promises that I have not completed, or at least I should say, most of them are never get […]
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