Ending Infinity

Ever long journeys are going without ever seeing the end. When you are traveling towards infinity, it is very hard to expect an end to it, but before realizing how bad that thought can be, we are departed from the journey itself; towards another one perhaps. That journey itself is another infinity. Why has nature to be such arrogant beast? I do not know, for that matter, I am still searching and learning for the answers. Somehow it feels like this infinitely large universe is so big, that it doesn’t have an end, but at the same time, it feels like, there might be a way to see the end of it through our mind, deep within. If one could travel deep enough within one’s mind, one might find the end of this infinite journey by hitting the walls of the universe itself.

Why has this to be in such way? Why has the search to be inside when the vastness of the universe is out there in front of you?  It is perhaps because of the beautiful show that nature has put up to see if you are worthy of knowing yourself. What is out there is a mere reflection of what is inside of you. Nature, the best craftsman, has crafted the biggest and the most amazing mirror ever to be created in the universe. It reflects what is inside you towards outside. Imagine then the size of your mind – the whole universe. It is just simply sitting there within your head, waiting to be opened, waiting to be studied, waiting to be walked.

You may walk in the material world, for that journey is not of absolute, but when you start walking within your mind, that’s when the real journey starts. That is when you start to walk towards the infinite journey. Suddenly then at that moment of such event, infinite path collapses and bring you to the finite path towards the edge of the universe, towards the truth that must be revealed. But they can only happen to those who dare to walk within their minds.

— ana —
