The Greatest Game of Ego
The greatest game one could play is the game against oneself. It might be
easy or hard to defeat someone else, but it is near impossible to beat yourself
in your own game, but when you do, you know what you need to know. That is the
message only to you.
However, the firstmost question is, how can you beat yourself in the game of
yours? How to even play? Simple, lose your ego. Separate your thoughts from
yourself. It might not be easy as it sounds, but it is easier than you might
think. I do remember the story of Buddha.
Once upon a time, Buddha was teaching under a tree in a well-lit moonlight.
It was a full moon night and Buddha declared “attaining enlightenment is the
easiest thing in this world. How easy you might ask. Can you all see that
beautiful moon? Attaining enlightenment is as easy as looking at the moon”. As
usual, this stirs up confusion and everyone was so thrilled to hear this. One
of the villagers approached Buddha and asked, “if this enlightenment is such a
simple thing, how come nobody but few like yourself had ever attained it?”
Buddha smiled and told that villager he will answer tomorrow night, but
before that, he has to complete one simple task for Buddha. Buddha asked, “You
must visit every villager’s home tomorrow and ask them what they want today and
take note of that.” The villager agreed, after all, it is Buddha who asked.
The next day the villager went about every home in the village and asked
what do they need right now. Everyone wanted something, one wanted an ax, one
wanted a piece of jewelry, one wanted a good dress, and so on. The villager
collected this information and that day evening he visited the Buddha’s
teaching place. Again Buddha was there teaching, and this villager approached
Buddha, and Buddha smiled at him and asked if he could able to complete the
task. The villager nodded.
Then Buddha asked, “tell me friend, how many have told you they wanted
enlightenment?”. That villager was in shock. Nobody had told him they wanted
enlightenment. Everyone wanted something but none wanted enlightenment.
Then Buddha replied, “You see my friend, attaining enlightenment is as easy
as looking at the beautiful moon, but I didn’t say everyone wanted to look at
the moon. That is why I am here, so I can show you where the moon is and if you
are willing to be enlightened, then you can be with ease. There is nothing that
can stop you except yourself”.
This story tells us an important message – let yourself go of yourself. Let
your thoughts be separate from yourself. Observe yourself as you could observe
the environment. Learn from yourself as you could learn from your master.
In the end, let yourself be your master.
(Image from internet)
— ana —